
eHealth is an electronic healthcare delivery system aimed at collaboration between doctors, patients, and the state.
Project status: Development
Location: Ukraine
Features: medicine

eHealth is an electronic health care system that will work with a wide range of medical services. This system will help:

  • Patients to receive quality medical services;
  • Doctors to provide quality medical services;
  • The state to manage healthcare public funds more efficiently.

eHealth is a rather complex and large-scale project that will be implemented over several years and in several stages:

  1. Firstly, the workflow concerning family physicians/primary care doctors, general practitioners and pediatricians will be updated. The electronic system will allow patients to choose their doctors using declarations, who, in turn, will register these declarations in eHealth. At this stage, the state already receives more data and control, since the doctor will be paid for each patient, according to the information in the system.
  2. Subsequently, the replacement of paper documents (like medical notes and prescriptions) will take place. All patient’s medical information will be stored in the system in electronic form, which the patient and his doctors will have access to. Medical notes will no longer be lost, prescriptions will not be forged, and doctors will have the opportunity to see a general picture of the patient’s health.
  3. Public authorities will have access to statistical data and analytical tools. This way, there will be an understanding of how to provide better quality health services, where and how to spend public money with maximum benefit, and how to prevent misuse.

The eHealth system will consist of a central component (CDB), responsible for centralized data storage and information processing, and medical information systems (MIS) that will provide user registration, automatic placement, reception and transmission of information and documentation for the provision of health services. The central component will be managed by the state and medical facilities will be connected to it via any trusted medical information system.

To volunteer or get more information about this project, go to the official eHealth portal.


Github repository API Specififications
Born 7 years ago
Lines of code 257375
License Apache License 2.0
Get Involved 39 Open issues
API Blueprint: 100.00%

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